
Oct 19, 2023


歡迎來到 Jason Pang Gallery,專注於提供香港最頂尖的藝術課程、攝影服務和畫廊展示。我們以優質的婚禮攝影服務為您的特別時刻增添永恆的美好。無論您是藝術愛好者還是尋求專業攝影服務的婚禮籌備者,我們都將為您提供卓越的體驗。


Jason Pang Gallery 是一家獨具特色的畫廊,致力於帶動香港藝術領域的創新和發展。在我們的環境中,您將與優秀的藝術家和攝影師共事,進一步拓寬自己的視野。無論您是初學者還是有經驗的藝術專業人士,我們的藝術課程將提供給您學習和交流的機會。






Jason Pang Gallery 邀請您參觀我們的藝術畫廊展示。這裡匯聚了來自世界各地的優秀藝術家的作品,包括繪畫、攝影、雕塑等多種形式。我們致力於展示獨特而具有啟發性的藝術品,為您帶來視覺和心靈的饗宴。不論您是業內專業人士、收藏家還是藝術愛好者,我們的畫廊都將帶給您難忘的體驗。


Jason Pang Gallery 是您在香港尋找藝術課程、攝影服務和藝術畫廊的理想選擇。我們的優質婚禮攝影服務將為您在特別的日子裡定格永恆的美麗。藉著我們豐富的藝術課程以及啟發性的藝術畫廊,您將開啟一段令人興奮的藝術之旅。無論您是藝術愛好者還是尋求攝影服務的婚禮籌備者,我們期待與您攜手共創藝術的驚奇。

About Jason Pang Gallery

Jason Pang Gallery is a prominent provider of art classes, photography services, and art gallery exhibitions in Hong Kong. We specialize in delivering high-quality wedding photography services to capture the precious moments of your special day. Explore our unique range of art courses and gallery displays to embark on your artistic journey.

Art Classes

We offer a variety of art courses catering to different individuals' needs and interests. Whether you are interested in sketching, oil painting, photography, or other art forms, we have professional instructors to guide you. These courses not only provide technical guidance but also serve as platforms for creative and professional knowledge exchange.

Photography Services

Our photography service team possesses extensive professional experience and a keen eye for capturing unique and heartfelt moments of your wedding. Whether you desire traditional, contemporary, or unconventional wedding photography styles, we can provide you with tailored solutions. By utilizing advanced photography techniques and professional post-processing, we will create beautiful wedding memories for you.

Gallery Exhibitions

Jason Pang Gallery invites you to visit our art gallery exhibitions. Here, you will discover exceptional works by outstanding artists from around the world, including paintings, photography, sculptures, and more. We are dedicated to showcasing unique and inspiring artworks, offering you a feast for the eyes and soul. Whether you are a professional in the industry, collector, or art enthusiast, our gallery will provide you with an unforgettable experience.


Jason Pang Gallery is your ideal choice for art classes, photography services, and art gallery exhibitions in Hong Kong. Our high-quality wedding photography services will immortalize the beauty of your special day. Through our diverse art courses and inspiring art gallery, you will embark on an exciting artistic journey. Whether you are an art enthusiast or a wedding planner seeking photography services, we look forward to creating artistic wonders together.

婚禮 攝影 香港
Melanie Ngo
Nov 7, 2023
Laura Hutchinson
Nov 4, 2023
Rana Kannan
Oct 23, 2023